Community power, activate!

Title: Community power, activate!
Location: Dublin St. United Church, 68 Suffolk St. W., Guelph
Link out: Click here
Description: Community power, activate!  Three faith communities in Guelph have installed solar projects.  Your faith community/school/community group can too!  Find out how!
(part of Transition Guelph’s Resilience 2012 Festival)

Celebrate action!  The 2012 Green Sacred Space Awards will be presented by Guelph Hydro at this session!

Presenters include Dave Beaton (Unitarian Congregation of Guelph), Steve Dyck (Harcourt United Church), and Ken King (Dublin St. United Church).  Join Ken for a tour of Dublin St.’s solar array!  Facilitated by Jane Snyder (Greening Sacred Spaces
Start Time: 14:00
Date: 2012-03-31
End Time: 15:30