Kirkwall Water Night – with Wellington Water Watchers

Title: Kirkwall Water Night – with Wellington Water Watchers
Location: Kirkwall Presbyterian Church, at #1545 Kirkwall Rd. (one road south of Hwy #97)
Link out: Click here
Description: Record droughts and temperatures have been encountered in most of Ontario and the eastern US. Agriculture has been severely affected with crop failures and low yields the norm. The natural environment is highly stressed as climate change amplifies an already concerning situation. These issues will be addressed while providing an overview of just how precious and critical water is to our survival and what myths exists about its abundance.
Threats to our water will also be discussed and what role public policy and privatisation play in the continuing story of ever increasing demand for water.
Mike Nagy, chair of Wellington Water Watchers will present.
For more info call Rose at 519-740-3568.
Start Time: 7:00pm
Date: 2012-09-29
End Time: 9:00pm